‘Undercover ” a NYC policeman’s beautiful true story

Documentary ” NYC Policeman LGBT”


May 30, 2014


When you see a Police Officer on the streets, what is your first thought? Most often the feeling of authority and law may first enter your mind. Many have said that to be a police officer, a person must have the need to control or be powerful figures in our society. Still others are relieved knowing that while a policeman is around to help if needed, he is not far. A great number of people’s first response may be: am I driving okay; is my seat belt fastened; is this yellow light going to turn red before I get to the other side or did the officer see my cell phone?

But how many of us see a police officer as another human being doing a service for the community, instead of a challenge or a check point? How many of us see a police officer as a woman or a person of one of multiple pigmentations, other than the word “police” equaling male Caucasian. How often do we describe a Police Officer with an added adjective such as, female, Black, Chinese, Latino, or Middle Eastern. Few of us know or even consider what a police officer risk in the daily routine of work.

“Undercover” is an amazing new documentary from filmmakers, Stomp It Out Productions, which allows us to see and hear first hand accounts of a “day in the life” of a New York Undercover Officer. In this raw and intimate conversation with Officer Bert we get an inside view of what an officer faces on the front lines. Like our American soldiers, these men, women and canines get up close and personal to keep our neighborhoods safe from crime and chaos.

Although Richard is a Male American of African decent and former member of the American Armed forces, all qualifiers disappear as he takes us to a place of deeper, more powerful timelessness during his testimonial of life and work as a fellow human being.

Film makers, Rachel Dickinson and Colin Salisbury, interject descriptive images that take you into the experience being described with bone chilling accuracy. Allowing us to witness past events within our imagination as Officer Richard Bert describes these experiences in this riveting interview. We hold Officer Bert fast in our hearts during his story.

The new information Officer Bart reveals in second segment of his story, although not surprising to most, will challenge the very sensibilities and prejudices that exist in of our current social status. At 26 year of age, already having lived several lifetimes worth of experiences, Richard’s life takes on broader world journeys as he continues ever deeper into the ocean of life to uncover more of his true purpose and value. “Undercover” is a beautiful progression of understanding life and self worth.

Richard’s gentle humanity evokes this truth: the gift of life is precious. After all is considered, that life, and the quality of it, is what we fight to achieve. Our connection, the sharing of compassion and where ever possible, being of service, is the vital understanding “Undercover” will leave you with.

“Undercover” was a Winner of a Best Documentary Award, PAFF2014.

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